Why Should You Go Solar?
There are many benefits to going solar for your energy needs. Going solar can drastically lower or completely eliminate your monthly utility bill and lock in a rate with no more unexpected energy spikes. Solar shields you from future utility company rate increases and gives you energy independence from your utility company. Best of all, for little or no upfront cost, you can increase the value of your home or business and protect the environment.
Benefits of Going Solar:
- No upfront costs to install your system
- Can lower your monthly utility bill
- Protect yourself from future utility increases
- Take advantage of solar rebates and 26% federal tax credits*
- Businesses can take advantage of an additional 45% in depreciation taxes*
- Gain energy independence and be relatively free from your utility company
- Increase the value of your home (source: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/05/solar-power-can-boost-a-homes-value-in-these-10-states-the-most.html)
- Protect the environment
- Products that GUARANTEE production for 25 years
- And much, much more!
*Global Energy does not guarantee the eligibility of any tax credits. Please consult your tax professional to determine if you will be able to claim any credits on your federal taxes